Engaging Students in Challenge

Engaging Students in Challenge

Challenges lead to growth when they stretch students’ capabilities in a way that is
engaging and accessible. Unfortunately though, many people associate challenge
with difficulty and therefore shy away from something that appears too hard. Over
time, however, we can adjust that perspective by emphasising that "easy is boring”
and challenge is “interesting". This is only a first step in motivating students but an
important one, nonetheless.

Other approaches include:

Empowering students is a key element in making challenge accessible. When
students feel they have some control over their learning, they are more likely to
engage with challenging tasks. Providing choices in how they approach
assignments, what level of difficulty they wish to tackle, and which learning strategies
they want to try fosters a sense of ownership. This autonomy can transform the
learning experience, encouraging students to dive into challenges with enthusiasm.

Creating a culture of risk-taking is equally important. It is essential for students to
understand that making mistakes is not only permissible but also a vital part of the
learning journey. When teachers normalise failure and view mistakes as learning
opportunities, students are more willing to take risks and experiment with new ideas.
By embedding this mindset into the classroom culture, we create an environment
where challenges are seen as stepping stones rather than barriers.

Integrating challenge into the classroom routine helps students become
accustomed to stepping out of their comfort zones. Gradually increasing the
complexity of tasks allows learners to build resilience and adaptability over time.
Moreover, celebrating their efforts and progress reinforces the belief that accepting
challenges is worthwhile. Recognition of their achievements fosters a sense of pride
and motivation to continue pushing their limits.

Explaining the rationale behind the challenges we present is vital for student buy-
in. When students understand the importance of challenge for their personal growth,
they are more likely to embrace it. Sharing research findings that illustrate the
benefits of challenging oneself—and connecting these findings to their goals—can
inspire students and deepen their appreciation for the learning process.

A supportive learning environment is the backbone of any effective educational
experience. When students feel safe, respected, and encouraged, they are far more
likely to take on challenges. Building positive relationships with students, establishing
clear expectations, and creating spaces for open dialogue are essential elements in
fostering a nurturing classroom atmosphere.

Teachers can also utilise the Learning Pit model, which visually represents the
journey from comfort to confusion, and ultimately, to understanding. By
acknowledging that feeling lost at times is a natural part of learning, we help students

appreciate that struggle is an indicator of growth. Encouraging them to articulate
their thought processes and providing targeted support as they navigate these
challenges allows them to make steady progress—demonstrating that each step, no
matter how small, is worthy of celebration

Recognising the individual needs of students is crucial to making challenge
accessible. Each learner has a unique zone of proximal development, and
understanding this is key to differentiating challenge. This may involve providing
varying starting points for tasks, presenting a range of options with differing levels of
difficulty, or adjusting the level of scaffolding to suit individual needs. Such
accommodations ensure that every student finds a challenge suited to them.

Effective feedback is another powerful tool in this process. Focusing on the task,
the learning process, and students' progress towards their objectives, rather than
solely on ability, nurtures a growth mindset. Specific, actionable, and encouraging
feedback helps students recognise their strengths and identify areas for
improvement. This practice reinforces the idea that learning is a journey of ongoing

Ultimately, fostering a growth mindset within the classroom is key to cultivating
resilient learners.
By praising effort and the process of learning—not just final
results—we help students see mistakes as opportunities for development.
Encouraging them to embrace challenges as chances for growth and celebrating
their achievements, no matter how small, fosters perseverance and resilience.
By weaving these principles into our teaching practices, we can create a learning
environment where challenge is accessible and beneficial for all students. This
supportive atmosphere not only nurtures academic growth but also promotes
personal development, preparing our students to face the complexities of the world
beyond the classroom. Together, let us strive to make challenges a rewarding
experience for every learner, transforming obstacles into opportunities for success.

P.S If you’re curious about strategies about how to go about embedding challenge into the heart of your classroom so that students:

  • Genuinely relish challenge
  • Understand how to get unstuck
  • Transfer challenge to home learning
  • Are articulate when reflecting on and talking about challenge
  • Develop a broad, deep, strong experience of perseverence
  • Are confident learners in and out of school

And you:

  • Feel aligned with your values and practice
  • Are bursting with ideas about how to embed challenge
  • Have a deep understanding of your pedagogy - know what you are doing and why
  • Know you can rely on your students to drive their own challenges
  • Love teaching and learning

Consider joining myself and James Nottingham in this 5-part Masterclass series with 3 *BONUS* webinars from me on how to embed challenge into your classrooms:

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Post written by:

James Nottingham

James Nottingham is a British educator, founder of Challenging Learning, and creator of The Learning Pit® model, which encourages students to embrace challenges and develop a growth mindset. With extensive experience in teaching and educational leadership, Nottingham has authored influential books like Challenging Learning and Encouraging Learning. He is recognised as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has been named to the UK's Future 500 for his contributions to education. His work continues to inspire educators worldwide, aiming to transform teaching practices and student learning.


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