Want to super-charge inspiration, ideas and connection in your school and classroom?!

When speaking with educators about why they came into our profession, they don’t tend to talk about the joy of admin, red-tape and endless tick box exercises. They tend to share that they came into the profession because:

They care about young people and feel honoured to be a positive role model and guide in young people’s lives

They value happiness, fulfilment and individual talents; They aim to be a key adult who helps people unearth those talents and joys

They believe in Nelson Mandela’s famous quote: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” By shaping and nurturing young minds, they are enabling a better world to take root.

Staying true to these values; remaining conscious and ever-open to new ideas, staying focused on our “whys” and committed to fine-tuning our practice and leadership can be challenging, especially with demands outside of our control and a never-ended to do list.

  • What if there were a way to stay energised?
  • Stay focused on the “good stuff”?
  • Feed ourselves inspiration from world leaders on what really matters in education?
  • Stay connected in community with like-minds?
  • Be bursting with ideas and enthusiasm to take our best next steps in our practice?

So that our practice and leadership stays

Fresh, inspiring and relevant.

To the young people in our care.

What if we could unpick key grapples in education and inquire into our practice with world’s lead educational thinkers, gain perspective and depth in our playful practice at an affordable price?

Gain deep pedagogical understanding on inquiry practice, learning-to-learn and approaches that have a positive impact on agency, well-being, motivation and progress

Align your team and colleagues to a shared “why” behind pedagogy

Be at the leading edge of innovative educational ideas AND have a road map to put those ideas into practice.

Access to a plethora of ideas, provocations, examples and more in our international learning community platform

Are you…

  • Feeling stuck with ideas to freshen up your pedagogy?
  • Unsure how to articulate your vision to your colleagues and team?
  • Unsure where to start with developing an inquiry approach?
  • Confused about how to align practice for yourself and your team?
  • Frustrated that your vision for learning doesn’t match actions in your school and classroom?

What if there were a place where you could connect with like-minds, sharing ideas and strategies to move forwards and gain a plethora of inspiration from your favourite educational thought leaders?

Kath Murdoch
Guy Claxton
Trevor MacKenzie
Sugata Mitra
Bill Lucas
Liz Pemberton
Ron Berger
Jennifer Abrams
James Nottingham
Anne van Dam
Valerie Hannon
Jessica Vance
Yong Zhao
David Price
Mark Finnis
Rob Loe
Jo Brassington
Kym Scott
Bennie Kara
Rachel Macfarlane
Adrian Bethune
Paul Dix
Lindsay Beth-Lyons

Meet Community Designer, Becky Carlzon

”Becky is the co-founder of two professional educational online learning networks, Learning Pioneers and PressPlay. Both of these platforms are based on research into collective efficacy, the power of community and teacher agency and collaboration.  As a classroom practitioner, the heart of Becky's practice is underpinned by the Design Principles of the Learning Power Approach (LPA) and are outlined in her book, Powering up Children. Through staying connected with LPA schools and fellow practitioners in her learning communities, Becky is at the forefront of impactful, innovative practice across the globe.”

We have been running the Learning Pioneers learning community for over 4 years. Through listening to our community’s needs, grapples and desires to embed play, we have curated impactful content to bring your learning vision to success.

Quite simply the best professional learning I’ve received
in my 30 years experience

Fiona Chapman
Deputy Head, Hastings School, Madrid

Learning Pioneers is a great platform where you develop professionally and personally, and also have the opportunity to engage with people from other parts of the world who share the same message and values: To create young learners, who are lifelong leaders of their learning

Bimla Singh
LPA lead and class teacher

Intellectually curious, researched-informed and widely experienced, Becky brings her logical, analytical and child-centred thinking throughout her feedback in the Learning Pioneers Masterminds.

Robert Cleary
Head Teacher Sandringham School and co-author of “Powering up Your School”

We inspire action and impact our members practice by bringing together perspectives and content from the world’s leading educational into one place

From exploring how to build meaningful relationships to embedding learning-to-learn strategies, to curating impactful learning environments to unearthing how to empower children through their behaviour choices, we have left no stone unturned in putting together useful content for you and your teams.

Not only that, content has been distilled into easy-to-follow, yet impactful Learning Journeys to use with your colleagues and teams to embed pedagogy into practice.

Learning Journeys

This rich perspective and expertise makes Learning Pioneers unique in bringing together the world’s leading minds with key grapples faced by leaders and teachers in developing intentional, aligned pedagogy.

3 simple steps to embed play in your practice:

1. Engage in our Learning Journeys

By choosing 1-2 areas of practice to focus on, you can refine your understanding, explore impactful actions to take and embed ideas into your classroom. Having this targeted approach will ensure you are intentional in using our content.

2. Choose some inspiring “lives”

Each speaker and inquiry has an hour-long Q and A with a lead thinker. Questions have been curated by our community members - educators just like you! This means the questions are quality, targeted and answer real-life learning problems.

3. Connect with community members

The joy of learning with an international learning community is that you get to make new like-minded friends, learn from a variety of perspectives and open your mind.

As leaders of Learning Pioneers, we promise to:

Inspire you and your team

No more being stuck for ideas to implement - we have content, ideas and inspiration to suit a plethora of grapples in developing inquiry-led and learning-to learn practice.

Be your guides

Becky and the Advocacy Team are ready, in the community, to feedback and connect you to other members and content to take you to the next step in your journey

Listen to your needs

We co-create speakers and content with our community. If there is a focus you’d like for your team, we’ll seek to include it in our next round of speakers and inquiries.

Walk with you

It is our intention to ensure Learning Pioneers’ content delivers to your needs. We are ready to walk with you in your learning journey and ensure you have the ideas to embed key ideas in your school and classroom.

What can I expect?

If you’re feeling stuck, confused or frustrated, Learning Pioneers will provide you with the energy, inspiration and connection to reinvigorate your practice.

What you get

Access to 20 Q and A’s with international Lead Thinkers

Learning Journeys for each learning inquiry

Over 100 video provocations with coaching questions to inspire reflection and plan impact

Connection with like-minded educators across the world

Direct access to Becky and the Advocacy Team within the Learning Pioneers community

Feedback, encouragement and ideas from Becky and the Advocacy Team within Learning Pioneers

Opportunities to share practice and learn from the practice of others

Access to bi-monthly webinars on the LPA and inquiry practice

Opportunities to join “Campfire” sessions to unpick key grapples in education with like-minds across the world

Access to 6+ hours of content with Professor Guy Claxton, exploring how to embed the LPA

A bespoke “well-being” section with ideas on how to build habits to put yourself first

You get all this, plus the confidence that you’re doing the best for the children in your carewhen you sign up to Learning Pioneers today!

Here are a tried and tested ways to get the most out of this content …

Individual access

Perfect if you’re an individual educator looking for inspiration in developing your practice; also perfect if you’re curious about Learning Pioneers and want to get a feel for the impact of our community at a low cost.


  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to like-minded educators in a safe space

Access for your school Learning Champions

Many schools sign up a group of educators, committed to driving practice across the school. This could be a team member from each year group, or a whole year group focusing on impactful learning strategies.

£1400 p/a, 5 team members (20% discount)

  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to learning-focused educators in a safe space
  • Aligned vision and strategy that will have impact beyond one teacher

Whole school access

If you are serious about embedding impactful and strategical pedgaogy, driven from the ground up, we suggest signing your whole team up for access to Learning Pioneers. Schools who have taken this option feed back that Learning Pioneers was the driving factor to bring their team’s vision for learning to success.

£1400 - £7000, depending on team size. We offer 50% discounts to teams of 20 or more.

  • Access to all Q and A’s
  • Access to 100 video provocations and reflection questions
  • Connection to learning-focused educators in a safe space
  • Aligned vision and strategy that will have impact beyond one teacher
  • Support from Becky to ensure content from Learning Pioneers is used effectively with your teams