Our learning network has spent 3 years exploring how to embed what really matters in education. This FREE 75-minute webinar will explore powerful insights from our learning journey.
...Getting great grades matters, passing tests matters, progress matters, positive learning behaviours matter, reading, writing and maths results matter. Yes, they do. No one would argue otherwise.
AND, we wonder, what else matters?
We believe asking these big questions matters.
Because how we shape the learning in our classrooms and schools will shape children for the rest of their lives. And these incredible humans we care for, empower, cultivate are the people who will impact on the world. For better or worse.
In this webinar, we will explore what really matters in education. With you. And we will share examples of powerful learning that can stimulate impactful shifts in mindset and practice in your schools and classrooms.
We will dive into this important question - What do you feel matters in education?
With more clarity on your “why” and your values, you will be able to plan learning experiences to match those values.
Once we’ve unearthed what’s really important in our classrooms and schools, we will dive into the tricky question of how we stay true to our values. This is the tricky bit! How do we stay true to our cause? How to we protect ourselves? How do we “tick the boxes” AND drive forwards with our visions for education?
We will share successful examples of embedding practice aligned with your values, as well as sharing “gifts” you can take away and use in your classrooms and in your schools and teams.
Hi, I’m Becky Carlzon, the founder of Learning Pioneers, a powerful, purposeful international learning community of educators. Its structure and approach is based on research into collective efficacy, the power of community and teacher agency and collaboration.
As a classroom practitioner, the heart of my practice is underpinned by the Design Principles of the Learning Power Approach (LPA) and are outlined in mine and Guy Claxton's book, Powering up Children as well as blending inquiry-led and playful approaches to learning. Through staying connected with leading schools and fellow practitioners in the Learning Pioneers and PressPlay learning communities, I am continually wondering about and supporting educators to implement impactful, innovative practice.
Hi, I’m Kimberley, Learning Pioneers Advocate and founder of Holistic Learning and a KS1, KS2 and KS3 teacher/learning facilitator, researcher and leader.
Holistic Learning develops the top skills employers are looking for when recruiting. These are based around human aptitudes such as creative divergent thinking, problem-solving, team-work, communication, perseverance and motivation. In addition, Holistic Learning develops independence, resilience and mastery (our motivation to get better at something) across the Curriculum.
Over the course of the last few decades I have worked with students, schools, parents and private companies to create and tailor curricula, learning environments and professional playgrounds for inquiry-based, student-centered learning. This results in highly-motivated students and self-reflective, creative educational communities.
Hi, I’m Anna, Learning Pioneers Advocate and Early Years Educator and leader in an independent school.
I have worked as a class teacher and leader for 20 years in a variety of state and independent schools in the UK, South America and Nepal; asking questions, taking risks and driving change in the classroom.
These experiences, along with working alongside some awesome lead thinkers in the Learning Pioneers community, has shaped my practice to enable further fulfillment and value for the children and adults I work with.
Our learning network has spent 3 years exploring how to embed what really matters in education. This FREE 75-minute webinar will explore powerful insights from our learning journey.